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"You folks are turning reports around quicker than ever, thank you. We are going to send everything to you. Thanks again to all your folks, super job!"
NH Home Inspector

Granite State Analytical, LLC Services

Sample Instructions

Granite State Analytical provides pre-cleaned, properly preserved, and appropriately labeled sample containers for your project or water system’s sampling program at no charge. Shipping coolers, ice packs, Chain of Custody forms, and corresponding sample trip blanks are also all provided when needed. Please email or call our office to have your bottle order prepared.

Please note most of our packages include a bacteria test. You MUST follow instructions completely through step #6 below if you want bacteria results.

If the well has recently been chlorinated, please make sure there are no residual traces of bleach in the water. Bleach will affect the results.

  1. Remove the aerator screen from the faucet and turn on the cold water for 10 minutes.
  2. Turn the water down to a slow, steady stream. Fill bottle labeled INORGANIC first.
  3. If you have chosen a package that includes radon and/or VOC analysis, remove the cap from the vial(s) and fill very slowly until the water is almost overflowing from the vial. Replace the cap and tighten completely.
  4. Turn the radon or VOC vial(s) upside down and tap to check for the presence of air. If air is present, unscrew the cap and carefully add a few more drops of water to the vial(s). The presence of air in the radon and VOC vials will lead to inaccurate results.
  5. To collect water for the BACTERIA analysis, turn off the water and disinfect the faucet. A cotton ball with bleach works well. Run the water for an additional 5 minutes.
  6. Turn the water back down to a slow, steady stream. Now fill the sealed and sterile bacteria bottle, containing a tablet, to above the line marked 100mL.